Respect for copyright is of utmost importance to Pingsport, and we are committed to ensuring that all content featured on our platform adheres to legal standards. If you are a copyright holder and suspect that your work has been utilized on our platform in a manner that infringes upon your rights, kindly follow the steps below to initiate a report regarding the infringement.
To lodge a copyright infringement claim, please furnish us with the following details:
Attention: Copyright Agent
Upon receipt of a valid copyright infringement notice, we will take appropriate measures to eliminate the infringing material from our platform, deactivate access to it, and inform the purported infringer of the allegations made against them. We will also initiate actions to suspend the accounts of repeat infringers, where applicable.
Please note that we may share your copyright infringement notice with the user responsible for posting the allegedly infringing material. Should you believe that your copyrighted work was mistakenly removed from our platform or that access to it was incorrectly disabled, you have the option to submit a counter-notification. For further insights, kindly consult our Terms of Service.